That Time Grandma Couldn't Find Her Glasses After Making Banana Bread
Grandmas are among the best cooks around, but even grandma messes up occasionally. This grandma lost her glasses while baking some banana bread and accused everyone in the house of taking them. And guess what was baked right into the bread when the deliciousness came out of the oven? Grandma's glasses. We can't imagine the embarrassment, but we bet the banana bread still tasted great, even with the glasses.
Hopefully, they removed the glasses before cutting into the bread. But we bet grandma didn't forget them again after going out and having to buy a new pair.
She Told Her Hubby, "Use Crackers Instead of Breadcrumbs" and Got This
Someone posted this photo online and explained how she momentarily walked away from the kitchen and left her husband in charge of cooking. When he said they were out of breadcrumbs, she told him to use some crackers instead. She came back to find her dish covered in Goldfish. And while we understand he messed up her recipe, this actually doesn't look all that bad and might even be an upgrade from regular crackers.
However, the husband should've at least smashed the Goldfish before just layering them on top as if he was putting on a layer of cheese. Nobody wants to bite into a Goldfish casserole unless you're maybe seven years old.
The Alien Invasion Has Begun
If you bake quite often, then you're probably aware that bread rises when you put it into the fridge. However, we've never seen bread rise this much. It usually only rises a bit. Someone put some dough in their fridge so that it could rise, and when they came back, they found that the dough had spread and taken over their entire refrigerator. It almost looks like something out of an old horror movie or the start of an alien invasion.
They must've used too much yeast or put too much dough into the container. Either way, at least it looks like they'll still be able to use whatever isn't attacking the other groceries.
Would You Like Some Mop Water in a Cup?
We never knew that purple lemonade was a thing, but apparently, it is, and it's not supposed to look like this. Someone tried making some and ended up with a pitcher of lemonade that looked like it'd been filled with dirty mop water. It doesn't look that refreshing, but as long as it tastes good, that's all that matters, right? Just don't expect to be able to sell this stuff at a lemonade stand.
This might be a pretty good drink to serve during Halloween, though. That is if you could even get people to give it a chance and take that first sip.
This Brioche Was Like, "I'll Fake It Till I Make It, Baby"
We can't imagine this person's disappointment after cutting into their brioche. It looked perfectly fine on the outside, but once they cut into it, they found that there wasn't much going on inside. Something happened during the baking process that prevented the inside from expanding. However, there is one silver lining: whoever baked this now has a brioche they can stuff with whatever they want. Or, at least, they can stuff half of it.
They can fill the inside with some Nutella or some ice cream. The possibilities are endless, which is a cool consolation prize to having a fluffy brioche.
Halloween Cookies Brought to You by a Self-Described "Grown Man"
We could explain what happened here, but we think the person who posted the photo pretty much summed it up best. They said, "You might think: 'Oh, cute, a child tried to decorate Halloween cookies!' Nope. This was all me. A grown man with a career and no artistic ability." That's a pretty harsh self-critique, but he does have a point. These definitely look like something we would've made when we were younger.
But they're still better than most of the other fails on this list. They might not be aesthetically pleasing, but at least it doesn't affect their taste. We're sure these were still delicious. Alright, fine, we might be overly optimistic because we're hungry.
Nothing Says "I Hate My Job" Like Bringing This to the Company Potluck
When someone asks you to cook something, it's a chance to show off your cooking skills and wow them with a great dish. This guy had a different idea. His coworkers were all bringing something in for lunch, and he decided to cook up this monstrosity. We're not even sure what you'd call this thing, but it's basically beef broth gelatin with hot dogs and boiled eggs.
He must really not like his coworkers because this thing is an assault against the senses. We can't imagine this dish excited many people when he brought it in. And it probably took just as much effort, if not more, to make than an actual good dish would've taken.
If Your Roommate Does This, Move Out (before It's Too Late)
Most people out there have accidentally left a pot of water boiling for a little too long at one time or another. But this is just on another level. Someone's roommate left this pot on the burner for so long that all of the water evaporated, and the pot got so hot that it melted into the stovetop. It probably took hours for this to happen, and it could've burned down the entire house.
We wonder where the roommate was when all of this was happening. And if they weren't kicked out of the house or apartment after someone came back and found the pot like this, then we hope the other roommates at least moved out.
The Only Thing Worse Than Running Out of Coffee
We weren't even aware that coffee pots could explode before seeing this photo, but apparently, they can. Someone had this happen in their kitchen while they were out of the room, and it looks like they were lucky they were standing far from it. Hot coffee and shards of glass were probably flying everywhere when the pot exploded. That said, we're not so sure that every mark on the wall here is from the explosion.
Some of these marks look like they could be mold, which, from looking at the kitchen's state, wouldn't be all that surprising. This photo seems to have captured quite a few kitchen mishaps all at once.
Hers and His DIY Pizza
It's usually pretty easy to tell who's the better cook in a relationship. Take this photo, for example. The wife who posted the photo cooked the pizza on the left, while the husband cooked the one on the right. Which one looks better to you? It's definitely not the pizza on the right, and the wife thought so, too, calling it a "single-cell organism." We'd have to agree. It just looks like a blob of some sort.
The one on the left looks way better. The pizza on the right looks like it wasn't even made from the same cheese as the other. How could two people under the same roof with access to the same ingredients have such different results?
When Your Date Wants "blue Cheese Pizza" but You're Cheese-Ignorant
If any Italians are reading this right now, then look away. This pizza is only going to hurt your soul. Someone tried making their date's favorite food — blue cheese pizza, but they clearly misunderstood what their date meant. Instead of buying an actual block of blue cheese, they died some other cheese blue. We don't know how they got it so blue, and we're not sure we want to know.
However, we're sure this at least got a laugh, and they obviously put a lot of effort into it. So, hopefully, it turned out to be a pretty good date.
Can You Guess Which Ingredient This First-Time Bread Baker Forgot?
Baking can be pretty brutal. In many cases, you must follow all the recipe steps perfectly, or it won't turn out how it's supposed to. This person left out one key ingredient, and when they pulled their loaf of bread out of the oven and saw it hadn't risen, they immediately knew what they had forgotten. They left out yeast, arguably the most essential ingredient in almost any baked good. It's also the one that makes bread rise.
We're sure this is still edible, but it'd probably be better used as a flatbread or something similar. We can't imagine you could use this to make a sandwich or some toast.
Ah Yes, Just Like the French Like It
Nothing beats a fluffy, flaky croissant. There's just a balance there that's hard to get in any other pastry. This is not one of those croissants. Someone's partner asked them to heat up their croissant and make it crispy for them, but the partner took it a bit too far. We're guessing they left it in the oven for too long. Like, as in a couple of days too long.
Seriously, how you manage to turn a croissant into a charred husk is a mystery to us. It almost looks like someone placed it into a fire and just left it there to burn.
"I Get Drunk and Leave Pizza in the Oven All Night"
This one is pretty scary. This guy got a bit tipsy and decided he wanted to make a pizza. However, he forgot about it, and his roommate woke up to find it burning in the oven. They were lucky it didn't burn the entire house down because that's a good way to start a house fire. Hopefully, the perpetrator learned his lesson after his roommate posted this shameful photo online.
However, we kind of doubt that was the case as, according to the sign in the picture, it's not the first time this has happened.
A Boiled Egg Massacre
It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that eggs can explode if you leave them boiling for too long. They're basically shaped like grenades, so it makes sense, right? We were, however, surprised by just how large the explosion could be. Someone left their eggs boiling for too long, and their kitchen ended up looking like this. If you look closely, you'll see bits of eggs everywhere, even up on the ceiling.
The next time we go to boil some eggs or need a small explosive device, we'll keep this one in mind. Don't leave your eggs on the stove for too long.
Always Keeping It in the Fungi Fam: Spaghetti With Mushrooms Becomes Spaghetti With Mold
This is what happens when you put a dish of spaghetti with mushrooms in the microwave, forget about it for a week, and just leave it sitting there the entire time. It turns into a fluffy mass of mold. It looks kind of cute, but you probably wouldn't want this hanging out in your fridge or microwave for too long, and we can't imagine it'd be good for your health.
And while some people suggested the person who posted this keep the moldy spaghetti and give the mold a name, we think it's best to throw this away and clean the microwave with bleach.
Sorry, We Only Eat Plastic Packaging on Burgers if It's BPA Free
If you're a fan of burgers, then this one is tough to look at. Someone's wife put these in the oven and turned on the broiler. However, she forgot to take off the plastic packaging, and when the burgers were pulled out, they looked like someone covered them in blue icing. Of course, it's just plastic and probably tastes more like petroleum, not something sweet. Regardless, the dish was ruined.
It's a shame, too, because the burgers underneath the plastic look like they would've turned out pretty good. Instead, we're sure that these guys ended up ordering pizza that night.
If You Lose Something, Always Check the Couch Cushions and Inside the Oven
It's a pain for anyone when they lose their glasses. But, to lose your glasses and find them three days later melted down in the oven is pretty harsh. That's what happened to the guy who posted this photo. We're not exactly sure how something like this even happens, but maybe they were leaning into the stove or placing a pan there while holding their glasses in one hand.
Either way, we think it's safe to say that these probably weren't salvageable and that this person had to buy a new pair or wear contacts.
Hope No One Wanted Their Burgers Medium-Rare
There's a reason you should always clean your grill before or after you cook. Sure, it's just plain gross to cook food on top of other burnt food, but it can also be dangerous. If the grill is dirty, the fire can catch and end up burning whatever you have on there, which is what happened when this photo was taken. This person was trying to cook burgers and pineapple.
However, they lost their dinner when the flames caught onto old food, and everything ended up being ruined. So, the moral of the story is to always clean your grill.
This Can Only Be Explained by Paranormal Phenomena
We're not quite sure how something like this happens, but it's pretty cool. Someone posted this photo online after their milk glass broke almost perfectly in two. Sometimes, glasses can shatter when they're hot and your pour something really cold into them, but there usually has to be a slight crack already in the glass. And we've never seen a glass shatter so perfectly down the middle like this before.
Some people suggested that it was time for an exorcism after this photo was posted, and we're not entirely sure they're wrong. However, it could've also just been a one-in-a-million type of thing.
Pizza With Vantablack Toppings, Please
It's not easy to create vantablack — the darkest black there is. But someone managed to do just that after leaving their pizza in the oven for too long. Staring into this pizza is what we imagine staring into the deepest reaches of space might be like. There's just absolutely no color left. We're not sure how long it took to get it this way, but it had to be in the oven for quite a while.
There are a couple of other burnt pizzas on this list, but none are quite as dark as this. It almost doesn't even look real; instead, it looks like they painted it this color.
This Is Why We Never Cook Before Having Our Coffee
Mornings are difficult for a lot of people. And one of the most difficult parts is having to make breakfast almost as soon as you wake up. This person was getting ready to make scrambled eggs when they noticed that they had dumped one of the egg yolks back into the container. Luckily, they can probably still use it, as it's not really that gross or unhealthy, in our opinion.
However, they might want to consider having a cup of coffee in the future before they try doing anything else in the morning, including cooking something as simple as scrambled eggs.
All She Wanted Was for Her Boyfriend to Cut an Avocado
This photo was posted with a caption explaining that their boyfriend cut an avocado weirdly. But there doesn't appear to be any cutting going on in this photo. Instead, this guy looks like he just tore into it and tried to spread it around on the bread with his hands, which is pretty gross. Nothing about this looks appetizing and there even appears to be part of the pit on one of the bread.
The worst part about this is that avocados aren't even all that hard to cut. You just make a couple of slices around the pit and pull the whole thing apart.
Cooling Boiled Eggs in the Freezer Is a Great Idea Until You Forget About Them
Some people like to let their boiled eggs cool in the freezer before they eat them, which makes sense, considering how hot they can get. However, you must remember to take them out, or else you'll end up doing what this person's stepdad does. He sometimes forgets to take the eggs out of the freezer and ends up with a solid block of ice and a couple of frozen eggs.
We suppose these boiled eggs are still edible, but they probably wouldn't taste all that great after a day or two just sitting inside a block of ice waiting to be unfrozen.
Girlfriend's First Time Cooking Fish Went Surprisingly Bad
Sometimes, due to where you live, you might not have a chance to cook certain dishes, such as fish or seafood. This guy's girlfriend had never cooked fish before, which is what she ended up with. Honestly, it's not that bad for her first time. It's scrambled, sure, but just add a little bit of lemon juice, and you're good to go. You can also use it in some tacos.
The fish doesn't look like it was under or overcooked, which is a pretty big accomplishment considering how delicate some types of fish are. Overall, we'd say this was a good first attempt.
Spaghetti With a Sprinkling of Broken Glass
This is probably one of the worst things that can happen when you're cooking on your stove. Someone was making spaghetti when their glass lid suddenly shattered, and the shards fell into their pasts. It's a shame, too, because that pasta sauce actually looks pretty well made. We're sure this person spent a good amount of time on this. However, they probably had to throw everything away, including their lid.
This is also kind of weird, considering that pot lids are made to be near extreme heat, so we're not entirely sure what the deal was here. Maybe it was just a really cheap lid or something.
The Mixer Said, "not Today, Buddy"
Here's another example of a kitchen appliance just refusing to go any further. Someone was making pizza dough (which can be pretty time-consuming) when the prongs on their mixer broke off into the dough. Luckily, they can probably dig them out, but they'll have to mix that dough by hand, which will be a workout. They'll also have to go out and buy a new mixer.
It could've been worse, though. Something could've exploded, or they could've left the pizza in the oven overnight. At least dinner wasn't completely ruined after the mixer broke here.
Breaking News: 6-Year-Old Turns Mac and Cheese Into Metal
Kids can get into a lot of trouble in the kitchen. That's no surprise, but we've never seen a kid try and microwave dry mac and cheese before. Apparently, this is what you get when your kid tries to do just that. The mac and cheese ended up looking like a funeral pyre or something out of a dystopian movie. The charms turned metallic, and the pot or bowl a dark, deep orange.
Some people commented that this image sort of looked like an off-brand version of the eye of Sauron from The Lord of The Rings, which we think is spot on.
The Leeks Won This Round
We all have that one knife in the kitchen that's our favorite. It might not even technically be the best knife we have, but it's the one we end up reaching for every time we're getting ready to cook. This was someone's favorite knife, and it succumbed to a couple of leaks on the chopping board. It's not the most epic way to go. Even going to some potatoes might've been better.
However, this will eventually happen if you don't take care of your knives. This one looks like it had a bit of rust close to where the blade broke off, which would explain what happened.
This Is Called Karma
Someone went to add a couple of douses of pepper flakes to their dish when the top ended up falling off, and they got a bit more than they bargained for. However, it might've also been karma, as whoever posted this photo said that they used to unscrew the tops off pepper shakers in pizza huts when they were in junior high. So, it kind of served them right, we suppose.
This isn't entirely unsalvagable, either. All they really need to do is scoop away a large portion of this, and they should be good to go. It might be a bit spicier than they were expecting, but a little spice is good.
This Is Not Someone's Science Fair Project Volcano
So, we're sure there's nothing wrong with leaving Nutella in the microwave for a bit just to warm it up, but you probably shouldn't leave it in there too long. Otherwise, you might end up with something like this. It looks like someone just set the timer to 20 minutes and walked away from the microwave. This actually looks worse than most of the other items on this list, at least most of the other burnt items.
And the fact that whoever took this photo had to bring it out into the yard means that it probably smoked up the house and almost caught fire.
Imagine Thinking You'll Come Home to Delicious Cooked Pork and Finding This
While you don't want to leave most appliances on all day while you're away, some things take hours to cook. This guy had planned on cooking some pork in his crockpot while he was away at work all day, but when he got home, he found the cable like this. He had forgotten to plug the crockpot in, and his dinner was probably a lot less delicious.

This isn't as bad as some of the other items on this list. He didn't almost burn the house down or anything. But we can imagine it was probably really disappointing; we wouldn't even feel like cooking at that point.
Dad Put "Just a Dash of Turmeric"
Someone's dad made them some eggs and said he was putting "just a dash of turmeric." Clearly, he ended up using way more than a dash or sprinkle and turned the eggs completely yellow. We're not exactly sure what the broth is, but it's probably oil or something. Some people said this actually would look good if it were put on some rice or toast. We're not so sure.
It doesn't look disgustingly bad, but that broth and egg combination isn't our favorite, especially not in mustard yellow. Then again, looks aren't everything, and this could taste amazing.
One Year Later
What is it with people just putting a pizza in the oven and forgetting about it? It's like that's the only thing some people use their ovens for. Someone put this pizza in their oven, and when they finally remembered it was there, they returned to find a charred brick. And when we say charred, we mean charred. You could throw this thing in your grill and use it as charcoal.
Or, if you prefer, throw it in the fireplace and use it over the winter to cut down on electricity bills. We're just joking, that's not really an option, but this pizza is pretty ruined.
An Eggs-Plosion
There is another item on this list that shows just how dangerous hard-boiled eggs can be. However, this one involves a microwave. Someone's girlfriend didn't know that you can't put hard-boiled eggs into the microwave, and she ended up making a pretty big mess after giving it a try. That said, there was never any real danger here, and most people go through this at least once if they're fans of eggs.
Still, we wouldn't want to have to be the ones who had to clean this up. It probably took at least an hour to get everything super clean.
When Grandma Uses the Oven as a Pantry
Ovens don't have to be used just for cooking. They can also be used to keep food warm or even for storage. That's what this guy's grandmother used her oven for. Unfortunately, her grandson didn't know that, and he preheated the oven and melted all the food and plastic containers inside. The worst part is that he said he usually checks ovens before turning them on, too.
However, all he really had to do afterward was wait for everything to cool down, and it should've come off pretty easily. Of course, all of that food was ruined, though.
Would You Like a Little Glass With That?
There's got to be something with these glass lids. Someone was cooking their food with a lid when it suddenly shattered and went all into their food. These lids are supposed to be able to withstand extreme heat, but maybe some of them are just a bit faulty or something. The lids on this list could also just be really cheaply made because, honestly, this shouldn't be happening in the first place.
Unlike most of the items on this list, an exploding glass lid isn't all on the person cooking, so we'll give these guys a pass. They're cooking skills are still on point by the looks of their dishes, minus the glass, of course.
She Should Probably Just Stay Home the Rest of the Day
If you don't cook very often, it can be a joy to do so sometimes. This person said that they decided to cook breakfast for themselves for once and have it in bed, but obviously, things didn't turn out quite as they had planned. Their caption said that they had to wait to cool off a bit before finally cleaning up everything, which honestly probably wasn't the best idea.
If you give egg yolks a second to dry, then they're ten times harder to get off of something, especially floors. This person should've just sucked it up and taken a napkin to it immediately.