"I'm loving it," "Just do it," and "Think different." What do all these have in common? They are all famous brand slogans. Branding is an essential part of a company's success. Although these slogans are successful, that does not mean they are true. An artist named Clif Dickens came up with brutally honest slogans for some of the largest companies in the world. From Mcdonalds to Ikea, he said what everyone was thinking, and these are the hilarious results.
1. Lay's
Isn't it annoying when you open a bag of Lay's, and there are about four chips while the rest of the bag is filled with air? No one wants to pay for a bag full of air. Yes, we know that the air helps the chips stay whole in transit, but isn't all that air excessive?
2. Activia
Activia is a yogurt that has probiotics in it to help keep your digestive system balanced. So basically, it helps you poop. Dannon used Jamie Lee Curtis to sell the product, and it was so memorable. Each cup has millions of probiotics, and that is great if you are a little backed up.
3. Perrier
Perrier water makes you feel like a fancy person because they charge so much when you order it at a restaurant. It does not taste any different than other sparkling water, but it comes in that beautiful green glass bottle. If you have ever wanted to feel bougie, this is the water for you. The store-brand tastes the same, if not better.
4. Starbucks
Not only do they serve you decaf if you are rude, but they also spell your name wrong even if you are nice. The slogan should also be that their coffee is over-roasted and burnt, but maybe that is just a personal problem.
5. McDonalds
McDonald's dollar menu is the cheapest fast food, but when you don't want to spend money or don't have much money to spend, it's a good option. Their slogan might only say, "I'm lovin' it," but they should say, "I'm lovin' it because I only have $4."
6. Pepsi
Have you ever asked for Coke, and then you were told there was only Pepsi. There is always a feeling of disappointment when Pepsi is the only option. Sometimes you will settle for Pepsi, or drink water instead. Pepsi just doesn't have the same quality taste like Coke.
7. Sprite
Although Sprite is supposed to be lemon-lime flavored, it does taste like Skittles now that we think about it. Sprite mainly tastes like lots of sugar, but it is so delicious.
8. Halls
Have you ever found yourself craving candy, but all you had were Halls cough drops? Some of their flavors taste like candy, but it is recommended not to use them unless you are sick. You might have even eaten a few too many because they tasted so good. It's ok, we won't tell anyone.
9. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Unless you have never tasted real butter in your life, you can tell that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" is not butter. No matter how hard they try to convince us, we all know that this is not the real stuff. They tried their best but it is hard to top real butter.